First hardware step to a baalue-node

A baalue-node (hardware) constist of a several parts:

  1. Bananapi
  2. Bus driver for the internal A20 CAN tranceiver
  3. CAN tranceiver and bus driver controllerd via SPI (the busmonitor hardware)
  4. LIN tranceiver
  5. I2C level shifter (5V-3V3)
  6. LCD1602 and ADC based „keyboard“

I started with the busmonitor hardware to check if the bus driver works as expected. For ISO11898 compliance most bus driver need 5V, but the SN65HVD230 can do this with 3V3. So this one ist perfect for a Bananapi and the A20 CAN tranceiver.

To provide a simple user interface a simple LCD and keyboard will be used, but most display are 5V driver. So we need a level shifter for I2C.

The pic below shows the first step to a baalue-node. It includes the level shifter, a LCD1602 display and the busmonitor CAN part.


Repos for baalue and tools are available

News: I added some new repos for our Bananapi CAN Cluster (Baalue)

Actual all tool related code fragments are in the baalue_sdk under src, but the baalue_sdk is not the final place for them. So I added some new repos for every part out the system: