Release of A20_SDK_V2.9.4


the release of A20_SDK_V2.9.4 happened … Don’t forget to do a make mrproper && make init_sdk … also do a make get_toolchain … it is updated to the latest void-linux versions.

Note, that i deprecate some devices, namely Nanopi, Bananapi-Pro and the Olimex. The reason is, that they have contact looses and/or already died.

Also Note, that there`s no base and full image anymore, but not all scripts are fully migrated. As a workaround i would suggest to name the rootfs tarball you want (for example a20_sdk_musl_rootfs.tgz) to a20_sdk_rootfs.tgz and then use as always. This will be fixed with the next release!


Toolchain update

There`s an updated version for the a20_sdk toolchain available (see It reflects the latest void-linux ( changes. This is the first step for the upcoming next release A20_SDK_V2.9.4.

It will be also the first release of the migration path from only glibc based images to glibc and musl images. With A20_SDK_V2.9.5, the split of base and full image will be removed (see also

So stay tuned … a lot of new cool stuff will come 🙂



Rework on A20_SDK images

I will rework the actual images to support also musl as an image. The plan is to remove the full images and make the base image to a glibc image. Then add a new musl based image. In the end i will support 2 different libc.

Convert images (from to)

Full Image -> remove

Base Image -> glibc

The new Image -> musl

The change will happen during the next weeks. So with A20_SDK_V2.9.4 the conversion will start.



Release of A20_SDK_V2.9.2


i released A20_SDK_V2.9.2 wich support a new device -> . This release also included some bug fixes in the supporter scripts.

Images are uploaded, binpkgs with emacs-gtk* packages are also uploaded.

Normally a new device would lead to a A20_SDK_V2.10.0, but i will also add another device -> . The reason for this is the good support of jailhouse hypervisor.

So the update to A20_SDK_V2.10.0 will happen when the Orange Pi Zero is included.

So stay tuned …


Release of A20_SDK_V2.9.0


i`m happy to announce that a new bigger release of my A20_SDK is out. The git repo is already up to date and the images will follow at least on friday.

Due to some problems with dhcpd i decided to use dhclient and let my dhcpd setup the ip address. If you want to do it with static ip`s then pls see UPGRADE_HINTS for more infos.

Finally the cubietruck-plus works with all cores 🙂

Cheers & have fun
