GraphicsGale @ Linux (void-linux)

GraphicsGale is a really useful tool for pixel art. Sadly it’s only available for Windows, but that we can „fix“.

@Linux we can use windows programs with wine and GraphicsGale works fine in the wine environment.

So first download the „portable Version of GraphicsGale ( :

Next create a folder and unzip the file to it:

I copied the whole folder to /usr/local/bin.

Now install wine:

Starting of GraphicsGale is quite easy:

open your file-manager and click on gale.exe:

Depending on your file-manager (i use thunar) you may have to assign wine to it (for all *.exe files).

Finally you can see and use GraphicsGale@Linux:

Another way to start it, would be to create a simple start-script which changes to the GraphicsGale folder and the start gale.exe via wine (wine ./gale.exe). You could then also create a graphics_gale.desktop and assign an icon to it.

I tested GraphicsGale for a while and found no issue, so it seems to work fine @Linux.


GraphicsGale-Browser works also: