Updates for my ambient tracker with Raspi2 -> Release of PI-ENV_V0.0.2

There were a lot of updates over the last months and now it’s time to do a new release; PI-ENV_V0.0.2 happened today.

I also had ~2 months of testing of the latest codebase, so it should work quite stable.

Updates of the images will follow in the next 1-2 days.

Images: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pi-env/

Repo: https://github.com/tjohann/ambient_tracking_with_raspi

Release of A20_SDK_V2.9.4


the release of A20_SDK_V2.9.4 happened … Don’t forget to do a make mrproper && make init_sdk … also do a make get_toolchain … it is updated to the latest void-linux versions.

Note, that i deprecate some devices, namely Nanopi, Bananapi-Pro and the Olimex. The reason is, that they have contact looses and/or already died.

Also Note, that there`s no base and full image anymore, but not all scripts are fully migrated. As a workaround i would suggest to name the rootfs tarball you want (for example a20_sdk_musl_rootfs.tgz) to a20_sdk_rootfs.tgz and then use a20_sdk_make_sdcard.sh as always. This will be fixed with the next release!


Restructure of libbaalue

At the moment i read a very useful book -> Large Scale C++ … one of the main ideas is that software is also physical … i don’t want to repeat the content, but for me, one action is that i will split libbaalue into more independent library’s … in the past i faced one of the problems Lakos mentioned -> how do i use only a small part of libbaalue … i don’t want to use the whole baalue lib for my games like crasonars, when i only want to use the error handling functions (see https://github.com/tjohann/libbaalue/blob/master/src/error.c ).

So one thing i learned is that i have to split a lager library into more smaller ones. I will start with the error handling parts and went on to the network parts.

For newer topics (like seccomp and namespaces) i will create a repository for learning (like Time Triggert parts -> TTEnv ) and then create a single lib for only such topics … At the moment it`s part of libbaalue.)

Release of A20_SDK_V2.9.2


i released A20_SDK_V2.9.2 wich support a new device -> https://linux-sunxi.org/Sinovoip_Banana_Pi_M3 . This release also included some bug fixes in the supporter scripts.

Images are uploaded, binpkgs with emacs-gtk* packages are also uploaded.

Normally a new device would lead to a A20_SDK_V2.10.0, but i will also add another device -> https://linux-sunxi.org/Xunlong_Orange_Pi_Zero . The reason for this is the good support of jailhouse hypervisor.

So the update to A20_SDK_V2.10.0 will happen when the Orange Pi Zero is included.

So stay tuned …


Update distcc build time@baalue

I have updated the measurements of the kernel build time on my baalue cluster (see Baalue-Distcc-Repo ).

The linux kernel build config is based on my a20 devices. The only difference between the 2 runs is, that it compiles a kernel on a A20 (Cubietruck) and on a A83T (Cubiertuck-Plus) as the master node. The Cluster (8 A20@Bananapi) is the same, so it`s interesting to see how the master node effects the overall performance.


make CC=distcc -j32 LOADADDR=0x40008000 uImage modules dtbs

real 15m56,545s
user 79m49,928s
sys 20m4,033s


make CC=distcc -j32 LOADADDR=0x40008000 uImage modules dtbs

real 68m48,674s
user 81m58,231s
sys 44m3,516s

It`s quite impressing to see the difference. The reason is, that the master node is under full load, because it has to distribute the jobs into the cluster. This takes computation time and therefore the cluster nodes are NOT under full load.
