An ambient tracking system with Raspi2

I started a new project to track things like temperature and more in my home and outside. My actual development environment is quite simple:

In my github repo ( ) you can find more informations about it.

As always the first step is a linux image based on void-linux like in A20_SDK. You can find the tarballs on sourceforge. To make it easy, you also find the already known helper tools in the script folder.

The software will have at least 3 different compoments, one for the LCD handling, one for the SensorHub handling and one which brings it all together.

Now i start to prepare the LCD stuff. So stay tuned.

Release of A20_SDK_V2.8.3


the release of A20_SDK_V2.8.3 happened … Don’t forget to do a make mrproper && make init_sdk … also do a make get_toolchain … it is updated to the latest void-linux versions.

Note: this is an in between release to A20_SDK_V2.9.0 which also provides new device images.


A20_SDK will switch to Slackware


after some long time of thinking about a switch back to slackware, i decided to give it a try. The arm slackware port seems to work quite good. So will i prepare some imagess for a bananapi (full and small) and check if it works as expected 🙂

I guess that the switch will happen during Christmas vacation.

Cheers and have fun …

Reason/Notes about RT-PREEMPT and A20_SDK

I already mentioned that i want to reduce the effort regarding RT-PREEMPT kernel. So pls note, that you can run into trouble if the dtbs of RT-PREEMPT and PREEMPT kernel are not the same. If so, then pls follow the instructions on howto build a kernel (see ./olimex/Documentation/howto_kernel.txt).

Due to the fact that not every kernel support the RT-PREEMPT patch (4.7.x/9.x/11.x/…), i will reduce the effort to support hart realtime kernel. For all the newer devices like nanopi and cubietruck-plus, i need the latest kernel. This lead to different kernel versions and therefore problems regarding devicetree. Netherless, i will support the latest RT-PREEMPT for Olimex. This is my main embedded device, so it makes sense to have RT-PREEMPT added. But be aware that you have to build your own kernel or at least dtb.

Some first measurements

I did some testing with my gpio driver ( used by one of my time triggert ( examples.

As you can see in the picture below I use my new Osziloskop for the timing measurements. The probe is connected to a LED over a 1kOhm Resistor (see The bananapi runs a minimal RT-PREEMPT kernel config with FULL-preemption (


The examples cycle time of the example is 10ms instead of 750/500ms, so the LED is „on“:


I want to measure how large the jitter will be in that configuration. The result is okay: ~200µs with a cyclic time of 10ms.
